Debajemuhjig Theatre Group

Arts and Heritage
Culture and Tradition

Visit the Debajehmujig Theatre Group to experience authentic Indigenous culture through the art of storytelling. Debajehmujig is the only professional theatre company located on a Reserve in Canada. We create original work through an Anishnaabag/Chippewa Nation worldview. Our work reflects the reality of Native life and the stories that have been passed down for thousands of years by storytellers, musicians, record keepers and dancers.

Located on Wikwemikong Unceded Reserve, The Debajehmujig Creation Centre offers a variety of events such as plays, festivals, comedy shows and traditional teachings. Debajehmujig is dedicated to the revitalization of Anishnaabek culture and heritage. The history and culture of the people is contained within the bodies of the people, in the muscle memory of the dancer, in the songs of the singers, in the stories of the storytellers.
This experience is available:
Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

Please call to confirm opening hours

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